KTPA Pulling Series: Passionate about Pulling

There have been a few changes to the schedule. Please take note of the following:

Russellville, KY date is now confirmed for Thursday July 11th, plus they have added the 12,500 Hot Farm Tractor Class.

London, KY has moved to July 5th and July 6th. With this date change there may be some classes changes for this pull we will update that as soon as possible. Keep an eye out here and on Facebook for those changes.

Click here for a printer friendly copy of the schedule.

I have updated the Super Stock 4x4 rules. Please make sure you look them over careful as there were several minor changes. As always if you have any questions give us a call. You can find them on the rules page or by clicking HERE.

I have slightly updated the 12,500 Hot Farm Tractor class rules silently. They can be found here. Make sure to help spread the word because I know that several people are waiting to get these! Also, remember we are trying to help promoters make informed decisions on what classes will have the most participation based on memberships. If you want your class to run more send in your membership to show your support! You can print a membership application here.

Welcome to KTPA's new website!

We apologize for the inconvenience caused by the closure of our previous hosting site. We understand that starting over can be frustrating, but we assure you that we are working diligently to bring you a brand new website that will be better than ever.

At KTPA, we are committed to providing our fans, participants, and sponsors with the latest updates, news, and information about our exciting pulling series. Our new website and Facebook will serve as a central hub for all things related to KTPA, where you can find everything you need to know about our events, rules, results, and much more.

We understand that time is of the essence, and we appreciate your patience as we strive to bring you all the necessary information as quickly as possible. Rest assured, our team is working tirelessly to ensure that the website is up to date and contains all the relevant content you expect from us.

In the coming days and weeks, we will be adding more content and features to the website. This includes detailed information about our pulling series, profiles of our top competitors, a calendar of upcoming events, and a gallery showcasing the power and excitement of truck and tractor pulling. We will also make sure to include contact information, sponsorship opportunities, and a frequently asked questions section to address any queries you may have.

We value your input and encourage you to provide feedback on our new website as we continue to refine and improve it. Your suggestions are vital in helping us create a functional and user-friendly platform that meets your needs and enhances your experience with KTPA.

Thank you for your understanding and continued support during this transitional period. We are confident that our new website will soon be an invaluable resource for all pulling enthusiasts. Stay tuned for updates, and together let's make the most of this fresh start at KTPA!

The KTPA Team